Remove Viruses from USB Flash Drive

The main reason behind spreading virus in computers are through USB Flash Drives. The main viruses which are spreaded through Flash Drive are Ravmon , New Folder.exe etc.. The antivirus which are available today find it ,but only quarantine the virus.

How to remove the viruses without the help of Antivirus:

1. When connecting USB Flash drive to a computer don't autorun it,cancel the autorun menu that had appeared


2. Open command prompt by clicking Start ->Run->Type CMD


3. If the name of your flash drive is E then Type E: and press Enter .


4. Then  in the next line Type dir/w/a and press Enter

5. Then all the folders/files in your Flash Drive will be Displayed

6. Look for these files

1. Autorun.inf
2. New Folder.exe
3. Bha.vbs
4. Iexplore.vbs

5. Info.exe
6. New_Folder.exe
7. Ravmon.exe
8. RVHost.exe or any other files with “.exe” extension

7. if you found any of the above or suspicious file with .exe extension then there may be virus in your Flash Drive.Since they are in Hidden,Read only,system file attributes they cannot be deleted easily.To delete this types of attributes we first have to remove the attributes

 8. To remove the attributes just type and run the command attrib -h -r -s -a *.*  . By using this comment the above attributes can be deleted

9.  Once this has been done, you need to delete the files that you see by using 'del filename'
for example : you need to delete the file name ravmon then type  del ravmon.exe

The main reason  behind spreading of virus is file Autorun.inf ,by deleting this file you will able to stop spreading of virus in your system 

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